May 14

05/14/12: Make your move | Two of Wands



“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Confucius

The Two of Wands (Mars in Aries) is generally considered a card of power. Some decks show a struggle, highlighting the inherent polarity of Tarot Twos, but others only show a single figure, like this one from the Cosmic Tarot. This man, obviously well-dressed and surrounded by lush greenery, is preparing to step through what appear to be a threshold created by two rooted wands, joined by an arch of light.

He is confident and sure of himself, ready to exercise his personal power. Because this is a Tarot two, there would have been some time when his power has been questioned or challenged, even if just by himself. But here, he doesn’t appear conflicted as he gets ready to move forward.

Have you done your homework? Good. Then claim your power! Step up to the plate, as they say. It’s time to make a moveā€¦

Are you feeling the Two of Wands?

Cosmic Tarot Deck
by Norbert Losche

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Cosmic Tarot, Tarot Twos, Two of Wands

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