September 4

2 of Wands: Choice Points on the Road


I’ve got a lot going you. You’ve got a long going on, too? Because the people I’m talking to have a lot going on!

This forecast reflects on that. I’m late this week, so let’s just jump right in, shall we?

Next Week in the Cards

Outlook is Two of Wands; advice is The Lovers reversed. Deck is the Housewives Tarot.


Options are getting clearer (or at least what we are choosing between here). Any time the weekly forecast points to more clarity, I’m a little relieved.

Advice is also straightforward enough: don’t fall in love with one version of the truth. Also? Your choices are the be-all and end-all here. But whatever you choose, get in line with it! Make you choices when the time comes, stop second guessing yourself (as if there is only one true path to all you want and by the way, it’s a big, fat secret)! Many roads lead home here. So, you pick a road and then don’t go back and forth, up and down that road wondering if it’s the right road.

You take your road home. But you’ve got to have enough trust in yourself and your own intuitive guidance to believe it is, indeed, taking you home.

Right now, we are listening and paying attention. We’re considering our next move. And we’re preparing to line up with that, energetically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, as the time comes to make that move. It’s coming.

Are you feeling this?

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Housewives Tarot, The Lovers, Two of Wands

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