December 7

2 of Pentacles, 4 of Swords: The Power of Doing Less


Sometimes, I get frustrated because I’m not where I want to be. And I get even more frustrated—or maybe dispirited?—because I have no idea how I’m going to get there.

The solution, of course, feels obvious: do more, work harder, move faster. But trying to operate at warp speed becomes like flailing at the wind—tons of effort with very little impact.

Maybe this week’s forecast is for me. I suspect I’m not alone in being well-advised to consider it, though.

Next Week in the Cards

This week, we’re rocking the Meow’s Tarot again, taking a lighthearted look at what’s coming. Because, frankly, who doesn’t need a little more “lighthearted” in their life?

Outlook: Two of Pentacles (Fishes)
We’re all trying to juggle everything at once. The heavy lifting is…well, heavy. The infinity symbol on this kitty’s sweatband? A reminder that the “things to do” treadmill is perpetual. There will always be more to carry, balance, or manage.

Advice: Four of Swords

Don’t sweat it. Exhale, let life flow, and trust it’ll all work out. Notice how this kitty’s just letting go and levitating—he’s literally rising above it all. Doesn’t that sound nice? (I’m saying this as much to myself as to you.) Being at peace doesn’t have to stay a dream—it starts with giving yourself permission to daydream a little.

The Bigger Picture

Yes, we have to do—lists need checking off, bills don’t pay themselves, and the physical world has its necessities. But those big-picture “Where do I want to be?” kinds of questions? They aren’t always solved through brute force or hustle.

Doing is necessary, but don’t confuse “doing” with the entire roadmap for forward movement. Rest, downtime, and replenishment aren’t just indulgences; they’re essentials. We have to make intentional space for nothing sometimes.

Why? Because inspiration needs room to breathe. Even if you skip the woo, it’s easy to see: a calm, relaxed, and lighthearted mindset invites more clarity than one stressed, anxious, and consumed by the grind.

In a race between desperation and inspiration, my money’s on inspiration every single time.

So, consciously give yourself a break. Remind yourself it’s safe to pause. That intentional rest could be the spark that makes everything else come to life.

Now, for you:

Are you feeling the drive—and anxiety—to force things into place? How might you give yourself permission to pause, rest, and clear the decks for the inspiration you’ve been chasing?


Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Four of Swords, Meow's Tarot, Two of Pentacles

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