“Don’t brood. Get on with living and loving. You don’t have forever.” Leo Buscaglia

How much does it really matter, anyway? This question has saved countless hours of discontent. When I’m able to let go of “right” and “should” and insistence that everyone else must see the world as me—and hence behave as I feel appropriate—life becomes infinitely easier. Attachments to personal perception of propriety are certainly my right. But everyone else on the planet (or beyond) has the same basis at work, the same drive to self-determination.
How much pain and suffering comes from stubbornly trying to enforce vision, morality and perspective upon unwilling recipients? It’s not self-determination that’s so bothersome. It’s that “other-determination” that gets my goat! It’s a fine line between activism and control freak. Instead of trying to convert, I’m opting to be myself a clearly and purely as I know how. Those who choose to be of similar energy will be drawn. Those who are diametrically different will be repulsed. It’s a much less labor-intensive system.
The Two of Cups is a lesser version of the Lovers. In the Housewives’ Tarot, the man and woman reflect perfect harmony, inhabiting a little emotional world all their own. In each coupling, there is a coming together of like spirits, but also a sublimation of two different parties into a single entity. The two become one in that sense, but needn’t lose their individuality in the process.
To be surrounded by love, feel love and be love. You may not love some specific behavior, but hold fast to the principle. The discordant vibrations fall away. I inject energy into what I want in my life, and dismiss the rest. This is a lot more effective than electing to force-feed my will to those not hungry for it.
Are you able to dismiss what you don’t like about loved ones?
![]() | The Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple |
Schedule a session with Dixie.
This just defined my day:
To be surrounded by love,
feel love
be love.
The discordant vibrations fall away.
I inject energy into what I want in my life,
and dismiss the rest.
Hang on kitchen cabinet.
Gratitude for Dixie.
You’re very sweet (and VERY poetic) today sofie!