December 2

12/02/11: Processing Losses | 3 of Swords, Rev Knight Wands, Rev Chariot


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Seriously, Tarot?!? Again with the Three of Swords? Okay. No point arguing. Add in an inverted Knight of Wands and Chariot for good measure.

Let go and allow yourself permission to be sad, if that’s what you feel. Or feel relieved or happy or confused or whatever. Just don’t go denying there’s a cost to the clash. Don’t demand a solution to the sting, nor insist you must make instant progress “moving on.”

Didn’t you realize, processing a loss IS progress?  It’s the work in question right now. Seeing what’s done as truly being done, and allowing yourself the grace of time to adjust, is what’s most needed.

Processing losses?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Knight of Wands, The Chariot, Three of Swords

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  1. The three of swords gives me hives. It’s kinda cute in the Housewives Tarot tho. LOL. I mean, how can cake be daunting. Right?

    Honestly, Dixie, I’m not really sure what I’m processing right now. Maybe that’s what I’ve lost. Perspective. Well, I’ve unexpectedly ended up with a four day weekend. Two of those will be totally on my own. Pretty much gives me time to get it all figured out eh?

    :pig2: :turtle:

  2. That darn 3 of Swords! As the card of Saturn in Libra, it’s not very appealing. I always think of this one as the “head over heart” card, so “processing” is part of the task for this card. It’s so easy to move from processing to despair, though. And despair is certainly Saturn’s domain. Thinking, thinking, thinking, and more thinking gets the best of me. I do believe life is a head game, though. We believe what we want to believe, see what we want to see, find what we want to find. When I get in that over-thinking mode, I’ve found that the best thing to do is something else that Saturn likes a lot — get up and get busy. I’m in the midst of that right now. Very busy in my house — de-cluttering (Saturn) and rearranging the furniture to be more aesthetically appealing (Libra). I’ve been processing loss through this period and the busyness is paying off. We have to let go of more than stuff when we de-clutter. There’s some instant gratification and lots of negative house energy is being released through this process. In the end, it’s a good thing. :moon:

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