October 16

10/17/13: Aching Dogs / 9 of Wands


9 wandsYou know the kind of tired that you don’t notice until you sit down, and it sets in? Yeah, that. That’s the feeling I get when I look at this card: a down-to-the-bone kind of tired, the kind of tired that shows up as much or more as a result of mental stress as of physical demands. An “Oh my aching dogs” kind of tired. (That’s referring to feet, for you youngsters out there.)

And this card exemplifies what I love and hate about Osho Zen. How’s this image for blunt, huh? Smacks me upside the head every time, Osho Zen does. The Nine of Fire, aka the Nine of Wands appears as “Exhaustion” and I know some of you out there are really feeling it. And I’m sorry!

Encouraging news about Tarot Nines is the fact we’re nearing the end of a cycle. This card also indicates goals that are achievable, even if reaching said goals will be demanding. There’s comfort in that.

Also remember that many kinds of stress, but especially the mental kind, takes root as a result of thinking patterns and choices as much or more than outside circumstance. Those are factors you can certainly control. So do!

Do what you can to be kind to yourself during difficulties right now, and see to it that the way you evaluate your circumstances and the choices you make support your long term goals. This strategy will get you through it.

Are you feeling exhausted?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Nine of Wands, Osho Zen, Tarot Nines

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