August 27

08/27/12: Whose Problems? | 10 Wands



Overworked, over-burdened, and carrying too much, are you struggling under the weight? Do you really need to be the one dragging it all on your back? This is the question.

Look to what counts, what is important, and mostly, what is YOURS. That’s what you have responsibility to carry. Anything else, it’s not so much as service as it just makes others weaker.

Just because you’re allowed to carry it doesn’t mean it’s yours.

Are you carrying wands that don’t serve? Can you pitch some of ‘em?!

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
by Ciro Marchetti

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Legacy of the Divine, Ten of Wands

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  1. Working on it. Recreating through my inner truth of what is truly mine.
    Funny thing is… I looked up my surname (HILLMAN)… It actually means… taking on the responsibilities of others’ dreams… to the point of not being able to live your own. I guess the hill is on the man. Does that suck or what? Positively point here… I am very good at it. Manifestations for others’… piece of cake for me. LOL! Now looking how to create a living from this. hmm.

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