October 17

10/18/13: One Rope at a Time / 10 of Wands


10 of wands fire osho zen

Enlightenment must come little by little – otherwise it would overwhelm. –Idries Shah

Oy! We weren’t kidding about yesterday’s exhaustion, huh? Today it’s the Ten of Fire (Ten of Wands), Suppression. This energy is, to put it simply, too much, a life on overwhelm. I’m sorry!

But I’m not going to leave you without advice. ‘Cause really, when do I ever? Ha!

There’s a lot to handle, sure. Those root bindings as pictured, however, are loose. Prioritize and pull off those ropes, pulling each issue up by the roots, one at a time. If you try to solve 20 problems in one fell swoop to be free, you’ll rid yourself of none and waste a whole lot of energy in the process. If you tackle issues individually however, getting at the underlying causes for each while you’re at it, you’re free of that issue and can apply attention to another.

And that’s how you go from overwhelmed to free: one rope at a time.

Are you feeling weighed down?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Osho Zen, Ten of Wands

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