August 8

08/09/13: Emotional Commitments / 10 of Cups


10-cups-meaningHappy birthday to my baby! (When did she get so grown up?) Today’s pick of the Ten of Cups makes an awfully nice birthday card, don’t you think?

The Housewives Tarot shows a girl dressed for a  dance. Mom and day stand pleased in the background while she surveys a full array of drinks before her. It reminds me of the phrase, “Her whole life is ahead of her.”

While the Ten of cups traditionally speaks to family satisfaction, this version especially suggest the element choices play in happiness.

Because let’s face it: if she tried to down all of those drinks, this girl would become muddled and confused. Maybe even a little sick. However, a careful selection of a few drinks could prove immensely satisfying. And the girl’s pleasure at this point seems to be more closely entwined with options available than the actual drinks. It’s the possibilities she’s drinking in at the moment.

Her job, as is ours, is deciding which of the available options emotionally satisfy. We pick our family (blood or love), we select our directions in life, we decide where our emotional (Cups) commitment falls. The happiness right now comes not from living the life you’re presented so much as selecting the life that pleases and fulfills you.

Today’s a day for emotional choices. Make yours well.

Do you see the choices?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Ten of Cups

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  1. Only in walking away. I don’t want to walk away from family – although I would with my sister, if I could, at least right now = not with my mother. I’m trying to leave something I should have left two years ago, but I didn’t, and now it’s turned rotten again. Someone told me not to run away, but I told them it wasn’t running away if the situation is rotten.

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