August 24

08/25/13: Recipe for Happy Relationships / 6 Cups, Wheel of Fortune, King Cups


As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Emotionally satisfying connections are not just a stroke of luck.

The Transparent Tarot shows a formula. Luck (the Wheel of Fortune) is built through trust (the Six of Cups)—which requires both emotional sharing (Tarot Cups), cooperative and harmonious relations (Tarot Sixes). You have to be trustworthy as well as take the risk yourself. You give what you’d like to receive, give of yourself emotionally.

The Wheel blesses the interaction, leading us to the King of Cups—he lives outwardly (Tarot Kings) in accordance with his heart (Tarot Cups). Being a king, he impacts those in his kingdom. That little leap of faith—trusting and being trustworthy—amplifies blessings for many.

Does trust come easily to you?

The Transparent Tarot
by Emily Carding

Schedule a session with Dixie.

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King of Cups, Six of Cups, The Wheel, Transparent Tarot

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