When I pulled the Ten of Cups, I was happy to see the card. We could use a little encouragement about now! But I wanted more to say than expect “emotionally satisfied family life” for today.
How do we find that happy place, I asked? The reversed Emperor showed up in response.
Choose to focus on what you appreciate, what feeds emotionally. Let go of the drive to control everything, trying to make the world and those in it fit into your own paradigm. It doesn’t work, man. It just doesn’t work.
Two people can have the exact same circumstances. One may be thrilled, the other miserable. It’s NOT the outer that creates joy and contentment. I’ll grant you, outer circumstances can certainly make it easier or harder for sure! But if you continue to look outside yourself for permission to be fulfilled and happy, you’ll spend the rest of your life seeking the same.
See that family in the Ten of Cups? Nobody from the outside had to give them permission to love one another. And do you see anybody in that scene worrying about what say the in-laws, neighbors or bosses?
Joy doesn’t require permission. Your corner of the universe can be peaceful and happy if you will it to be so. Sure, there are worries out there. I hear you. And they do have an impact. The “system,” the establishment or whatever power structures exist outside your inner circle do create ripples in live and impact our fate.
But it doesn’t decide if we are happy or not. NOBODY has the power to do that outside yourself. If your home and family is an emotional haven, it’s because you created that, not because someone else allowed it.
And if it’s not? Work on creating it. There’s an enormous reservoir of fortitude accessible from a circle of love.
Is your home base happy? If not, can you make it more so?
Tarot Illuminati by Eric Dunne & Kim Huggens
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