June 25

06/26/13: Getting through the Chores / 10 Wands



Noticing a theme? I write these columns ahead (and don’t generally check the astrology), so I have only the cards to show the flavor of what’s coming up. But the string for the last few days speaks volumes. It’s a rough stint.

The Ten of Wands is a card of overwhelm. It’s a I-want-to-hide-out-leave-me-alone-I’ll-start-crying-if-you-look-at-me-too-hard card. (I’m probably projecting again.)

There are some things that can help in such circumstance:

  • Prioritize! Not everything usually has to be done at the same time, not really. Pick the most important, or if you cannot decide just pick something and start with that.
  • Seek support. Are all these chores yours and yours alone? Even if they are, can you share some?
  • Make a plan. Having a light at the end of the tunnel, knowing you won’t have to struggle forever, makes the struggle now easier.
  • Take care of yourself. There are lots of ways you can support yourself and maximize your energy. Do them!
  • Remember the point. There is one, right? Keep it in mind.

Do you have too many chores?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Ten of Wands

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