April 26

04/27/14: Critical Mass / Knight of Wands


Knight of Wands Meaning

I have been known on occasion to shock people with what I can accomplish, including myself. I’m not bragging. It’s just a matter of me really making my mind up to do something, committing for the long haul. Once that happens, something clicks and things are irrevocably set in motion. I don’t get that way about every project I’m interested in because realistically, I couldn’t manage it. But for those things where that’s magic has been laid, it’s stunning to behold.

“Intensity” pretty much sums up the Knight of Wands, don’t you think? That is what if feels like to me. Critical mass building.

I see this as energy building up. We have a Solar Eclipse shortly and it’s in the sign of Taurus. Whatever you commit to doing under such weather has staying power, long-term force. It’s worthwhile and important to put a little thought into it, because I suspect you’ll be living with any promises made a long time.

Are you feeling the building of critical mass?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Knight of Wands, Osho Zen

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