January 25

01/26/13: Believe it! | Wheel of Change



“Luck is believing you’re lucky.” Tennessee Williams

This wheel looks a touch like an all-seeing eye, don’t you think? Most of the time, the Wheel (here, “Change”) is a welcome guest at any reading. Associated with Jupiter, the Wheel tells us of quick changes of fortune. And like Jupiter, usually the luck is good! Expect things taking a turn for the better.

I’m ready. Beyond ready.

How about you?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

Want some help changing your luck? HIRE ME ALREADY!

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Osho Zen, Wheel of Fortune

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  1. That wheel is gorgeous! I’m doing a paint demo for 24 girl scouts today at my sis’ request.

    I have no idea what supplies will be there and have never met 95% of the ppl who will attend, scouts or adults.

    It’s insane, but I will walk into this crazy, unknowable situation with only myself as my toolbox. I’m actually excited about being thrust into a situation where I only control myself.

    It’s weird.

      1. Thanks, Tracie

        It turned out better than I expected. The comfort zone was surprisingly large for such an unknown situation. The kids were well-behaved; the adults were well-behaved too. I changed every person in there before I finished my demo. Just the way they spoke to each other and about themselves turned from controlling to exploratory. Each child showed their personal POV of the world through the project. I delighted in it. They stunned the adults. I can’t describe enough how wonderful it was for me.

  2. I woke up this morning, grumpy that all this “crap” is falling down ( a Tower situation) on me once again…..it seems to be every three years or so, I’m somewhat use to it, but a bit cynical at the same time. However, it popped into my head- I may be lucky that all these twists and turned happened to me because I am now poised to get something tangible out of it. How is that for a Birthday message? I’ll take it because I could use a bit of LUCK!

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