January 8

01/08/12: Study Time! | Nine of Pentacles



I’ve been thinking lately, I think I need to study, more formally. Find a teacher, find classes, somehow look for more instruction relating to my work. Today’s card sometimes shows up to nudge us in that direction, promising the payoff of getting an education@

8_of_PentaclesToday’s Tarot is the Nine of Pentacles (Venus in Virgo). She’s mastered her inclinations to slack off and has gone to the trouble of learning her stuff. While I often see this card relating to a formal education, it doesn’t have to be.

The salient characteristic is working hard at learning your lessons (she follows that worker-bee Eight of Pentacles, remember). Having worked diligently at it, she is blessed by the real-world manifestation due her dedication. Her life is sailing along, largely due her decision to really learn her stuff.

Is there something you’ve been thinking about studying, for real? What calls to you, what do you feel you’d like to learn? If there are things you’d like to know more about, the opportunity is there—a window is open for you. Take it and you won’t be sorry!

What would you like to study?

Cosmic Tarot Deck
by Norbert Losche

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Cosmic Tarot, Nine of Pentacles, Tarot Nines, Tarot Pentacles

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  1. Oops I sent that before I was done. What I meant was: the thought of you getting “even better” at what you do is very WOW Love this emoticons. I think I need to put a few more here… :dog: :cow: :chick:

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