June 15

Six of Pentacles & Help Manifesting



From a reading:

Divvy out your attention according to what it is you WANT in the physical, not escaping what you don’t. Change does not come from dreaming about how everything will be perfect when you’re out of a situation you don’t want. It’s not event-based. Change comes from small actions taken on faith, a result of directing your energy where you want to go.

Work on your feelings daily to vibrationally align with the ones closest to what you want.  The trick here is feeling gratitude for the essence turns up the volume. All your activities related to where you want to go are best started charged with the kind of energy you want to connect to.

Do you see this principle operate in your life?

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Law of Attraction, Morgan-Greer, Six of Pentacles, Tarot Readings, Tarot Sixes

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  1. Where were you with this excellent piece of advice about a year or two ago, I sure could have needed it then

  2. Where were you 32 years ago when I swam off in the wrong direction trying to get away from the ducks and find the other swans??

  3. Hey Dixie can we have a LIKE button around here?? NEVEER MIND I see the facebook like button, you are the Goddess!

  4. “Change does not come from dreaming about how everything will be perfect when you’re out of a situation you don’t want. It’s not event-based.”

    Dixie, I didn’t see this until this morning and it’s a great reminder from our earlier conversation. I need to change my view/energy/vibe of the situation versus expecting her to make the physical detachment of the church. It’s mine to resolve internally not her’s physically!


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