January 16

King of Cups Says, “Act on Your Feelings”


King of Cups

From a reading…

“ACT on your feelings. The more important it is to you, the more important it is for you to stay with it, stay in the moment, ride it out when the storm starts coming in, recognize when it’s getting fogged up and wait until the fog clears before you bug out down the road. Can you trust your feelings? This is the question your are resolving.”

What does the King of Cups say to you?

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Cosmic Tarot, King of Cups, Tarot Court, Tarot Cups, Tarot Kings

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  1. “ACT on your feelings” HAHAHA That’s me! I act on just about every single stinking feeling and emotion. My family LOVES this about me. No?

    My daughter on the other hand has just recently reconnected with her feelings (thanks hon) and I’d love to send this to her but then the only “feeling” she’d act on is anger because I’m hovering & over-mothering.

    Wise advice my friend but obviously I’ve got this one down.

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