From a reading:
The fear is like a leash that keeps you from wandering out too far. ‘Do nothing, hide under the bed, stay safe.’ It functions as an emotional limp, a foot you are careful not to put much weight on.
After an extended period of time being very withdrawn, you become very disconnected from your inner voice. You lowered your expectations to shield from disappointment and learned to keep your heart quiet, your passions secret–not putting your soul out there on display meant nobody could step on it.
But the environment has changed. Now, the only person who can hold you down is you. Find the space to let that song out. You can plug back in and that’s where you really heal.
What do you see?
Getting lost in the mist of temperance, tied up in knots as all bearings are lost.
Dixie – I just wanted to let you know this hit me really hard. It’s exactly what’s going on.
Old, old crap rising up out of my cells.
Sleepless, panicked night, not breathing well, and ending in ER visit this morning.
Sigh. I’m hoping for a way to let it out, so I can move on.
Sweetie, that sounds so yucky… I just said a little prayer for you!!! Here comes some sparkly light your way………….*
I see figuring out that you are holding the keys to your own freedom. What a refreshing bit of insight that would be. You are obviously bound, but you realize you don’t have to be.
I usually like getting this one because it says, “you can fix this if you change your perspective”
Thank you SO much, Sofie and Josi –
I appreciate the prayers and thoughts so much. While I know where all this is coming from, that doesn’t help my body. It’s releasing a really, really old trauma from childhood. So I’ve got to do all I can to help my body do that, so I can move on. Part of that, for me, is taking something to help me sleep. (Which I normally would NOT do.)
I was so watched over in the ER – the nurse was wonderful, and the dr. ended up being one of the very few who understands energy and holistic medicine. (Although he can’t recommend anyone in an allopathic ER!) He called this perfectly, and had some thoughts about helping my body release everything.
So. I’m much better, thank you! Got a terrific night’s sleep (thank you XANAX!)
Holy cow, an MD who will speak about energy medicine! That’s incredible…
And I say, when you need a Xanax, it’s ok. Someday I’ll find my OWN peace, but once in a while I need a little something extra. Although there are also herbal things, not as strong or sedating. Valerian, GABA, Sedalia… might be helpful. Just don’t mix up too many!
Yep, it sure was a blessing to see him come around the curtain.
A couple of years ago, he saved my Dad when he was having epileptic seizures – he remembered me, ’cause I stood at my Dad’s feet doing Reiki.
(I didn’t give a rats ass what anyone thought about it at that point.)
As for sleeping, I’ve used Melatonin and Valerian – both of them give me insomnia.
I’m not crazy about the Xanax – I’m pretty stupid today, even tho I only took one last night. (That tells you how often I take allopathic drugs!)
When I had trouble writing a check at the grocery store, I wondered if I should be driving. Ha.
But I’m doing the breathing exercises, and it’s helping move the energy a LOT. So….maybe only half a pill tonight.
Thanks, Sofie!