August 17

Quickie 1-Card Tarot Reading: What’s Lise need to know?

“Thanks in advance — I *know* you will deliver exactly the one I need today!” –Lise

Well, let’s get to the point then…

Short version: No hanky-panky is underway. What you see is what you get. Got it?!

Hope that helps. Much love

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


1-Card Reading, Live Tarot, Mini Tarot Readings, Seven of Swords, Tarot Questions, Video

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  1. Well, that ~is~ good to know! Much relief here! I can walk forward knowing all is on the up and up! That means I can let my guard down and walk forth with trust and faith in a positive outcome. That makes for a much more joyful journey! Thanks Dixie! Tip’s in the jar!

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