August 16

Quickie 1-Card Tarot Reading: Mastering KR’s Saturn Woes

“I feel like I’m going through a Saturn “thing” currently. I have a Gemini moon which is more mental than emotional and it squares my Pisces Saturn (don’t you have that too?). I feel like I’ve been repressing my feelings on a lot of family related issues that can’t be ignored any longer. I say that because it seems I keep on attracting people in my life whose Saturn is on my Moon (ouch!) or my Sag Sun. I would love for you to pull a card for me asking for guidance (and clarity) around the sensitive issue of learning how to master my Saturn. Thank you.” -kr

Man, KR, I totally feel your pain here! You’re right about my chart as well, I have Gemini moon (in the 10th) square Saturn in Pisces. So yes, I’m hip. See my video response below.

Short answer: Saturn-moon aspects can make folks feel like they suck! I’d look to work your Natal Saturn. Use Saturn’s hard edges to shore up places Pisces lacks definition; use Pisces compassion to temper Saturn’s harsh criticism and turn it into loving, self-coaching to grow. Saturn has to feel like he’s achieved to be happy. Your Gemini moon will allow you to change how you feel via how you frame it. Use that Superpower, because it can suck out a lot of Saturn’s sting.

Hope it helps!

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1-Card Reading, Astrology, Mini-Reading, Saturn, Saturn-Moon, Temperance, Video

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