August 19

Quickie 1-Card Tarot Reading: Bridget’s Year Ahead

“What do you see in store for me this year? With regards to personal goals and Career mostly?
Thank you =)” -Bridget

Short answer: Limited choices as far as what’s coming up, mainly because there is some housework to be done dealing with stuff you’ve been putting off! Do the grown-up stuff, address whatever you’ve been shoving back in the corner trying to avoid. Eh, not a lot of fun, but usually not as bad as you think beforehand. But it has to be done, or you’ll lose some opportunity moving forward. After the housework comes playtime!

Hope that helps!

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  1. Dixie as I said in an email reply to you, you were so spot on it’s uncanny. I have been avoiding things and putting things off for a couple years now, and apparently what I am seeing over and over this year is that NOW is the “I’ll get to it,” or “I’ll do it later”. It’s Later.
    I hate it, but I know I have to do it. Time to clean house both figuratively and literally. Thank you so much for the reading!! :yes:

    1. You’re very welcome, dear. I’m so glad it resonated with you and was helpful. I hear you on that ol’ “later” showing up, I do. But what are you gonna do? On the plus side, you’ll feel SO MUCH better and it will free you up for moving ahead the way you’d like. You GO, girl!

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