April 1

Pamela asks: “Let employment happen?” Tarot Mini-Reading

“After years of unemployment, casting about for new ways to ‘be’ in this world, I have finally decided that now is the time to allow the universe to unfold a direction for me, rather than trying to “make” something happen. Am I being foolish?” -rpamela

That sounds stressful; I’m sorry! I’ll be glad to see what we can get for you…

Short Answer: What you know deep down is eternally right (even if the peanut gallery does not agree). You would be foolish–in the positive, Tarot sense–to stop pushing that round peg into that square hole and start following your heart for a very welcome change. Good luck! We’d love to know how it comes out.

Ready? You can book your own session today!

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1-Card Reading, Employment, Mini-Reading, Mini-Readings, Morgan-Greer, Six of Wands, Video

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  1. Wow, totally unexpected to open my email and see this tonight before bed. Excuse me a moment while I pick my jaw up from the floor, and try to find the right words.
    You were spot on. Simple as that. Your read was exactly what has been going on within me. There is all this south node energy that comes from family, most of whom are deceased, of what I “should” do. And though I can do it, it just feels wrong. I wasn’t sure how deeply I should word the question, deciding on short and sweet, and that was enough, you correctly filled in the rest.
    And yes, the minute you identified the 6 of wands, I knew myself what that meant. So nice though to have the corroboration. Thank you so very very much.
    Yes, I will let you know as things unfold.

    1. “Excuse me a moment while I pick my jaw up from the floor, and try to find the right words.”

      I love that!

      Thank you so much for the feedback, and I’m delighted to know it was helpful for you. I’m looking forward to hearing how it works out for you when you switch you focus, m’dear. Much love.

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