October 15

1-Card Tarot Chakra Reading: Miss Destroyer asks about this “Skin Thing”

“What’s up with this skin thing? Maybe an area to focus on? = ) <3” -Miss Destroyer

I’ll be glad to see what we dig up about that darned skin thing!

Short Answer: On the physical level, watch what you’re eating, particularly anything that’s past it’s prime. I’m seeing a food connection. On an energetic level, pay attention to anything that “gets under your skin” or “rubs yo the wrong way,” a constant irritant that you’ve all but learned to ignore. Look particularly to a personality issue, quite possibly with someone in the workplace. Where do you feel like you’re stuck with leftovers? You try to ignore it but it’s been going on a long time. That’s what’s disrupting your zen (and your skin), man!

Hope that helps!

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1-Card Reading, Chakras, Four of Cups, Mini-Readings, Root Chakra

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