December 25

How was 2013 for you?

Merry Christmas!

Since we’re at the end of 2013, I thought I’d pull up this Year-Ahead forecast video from last year and ask you in retrospect: what do you think?

Did this resonate with your year?

P.S. Happy New Year!

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  1. Yes!!! As you (and anyone else around me) well know, culinary school happened this year.

    I doubled down on all the super important stuff, which didn’t give me time to worry about the less – important stuff.

    Merry happy winter holiday, Dixie!

  2. Wow, that did resonate with me. The upheaval, cleaning stuff out in particular. Also the “lighting your own torch.” That’s what I didn’t do a lot of the time, and I can identify how it hindered me.

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