“I am struggling!! to make a small business profitable before going bankrupt and to find love (and detach from a bad relationship). I feel stuck, but the more I work to become un-stuck, the more I feel like I’m flailing and failing. Thanks!” -Patty
Well, let’s take a look-see in this video reading!
Short Answer: A lot of this struggle is related to energy tied up from the bad relationship. The negative messages that you’ve saved from this person and keep reading to yourself over and over? They take root and block your ability to accept love or even fully love yourself. BURN them, discard them, get that energy out of your life and the other issues will start easing very quickly. The money is tied to your sense of self worth and ability to work your heart chakra energy. Heart chakra is the source of powerful magnetic attraction!
:yinyang: Getting your sense of who you are as a worthy, worthwhile person helps the rest start flowing again. We’d love to hear you thoughts (and an update on how it works out) if you’re so inclined.
Find out more about working your energy with the upcoming Chakra workshop or just get a private Tarot consult.
I’d been missing Chongo… long time no see! ~waves hello to Chongo~
Yep, she just hasn’t been cooperative since! Go figure.
Patty left her reading feedback on YouTube. Thanks, Patty!
Feedback for this reading was given privately.