Ever feel like you want to just sit down and forget about everything, like you’re SO over it, but you know you still have some figuring out to do?
I do. Exactly like that. I know I’m getting there, but I aint there yet. And I want to be “there,” damnit!
If you are feeling this too, then this week’s forecast may just speak to you.
Next Week in the Cards
Outlook is the reversed Four of Swords; advice is the High Priestess. These renditions are from the fun and sassy Housewives Tarot, possibly my favorite non-traditional deck.
With a reversed Four of Swords as outlook, we cannot completely relax. Don’t get me wrong here. Things ARE genuinely moving, with a lot of important shifts taking place. Why, you could almost say it’s elliptical….har!
We’re on the right track without question, or this card would not have appeared to begin with. But ongoing attention is still needed. It’s not coasting time quite yet. Self-care and pacing are both in order.
To know what moves to make when, rely on that ol’ crowd favorite: that little voice in your head that nudges you to and fro. Intuition makes the best navigator ever! But in order to hear it, you’ve also got to continuously take care of yourself.
You need quiet time to hear that inner navigator, but you may not be getting quite enough. Let your feelings be your guide here. That’s the real secret syrup that makes it all work out so well. You let your energy guide you and act in harmony with what feels right in the moment.
That means if you’re hungry, eat. If you’re tired, sleep. And if your mind is buzzing with ideas, work. Keep your energy and tasks in sync for the best outcomes.
Are you feeling the ebb and flow (and using your gut to guide you through it)?