“Lately I’ve been feeling a lot of inner anger, and though I want and try to feel and think inner peace, that’s just not happening right now. How can I move past my inner anger to find true peace within? ” -Colorful28
That’s certainly a worthwhile endeavor. I’d be delighted to see if I can help.
Short Answer: Smells like an old, unrealized dream that has resentment attached. You felt like you deserved and there is some bitterness in not feeling a payout for your work. Look to detach from that and align your focus with your blessings instead.
Note to my mini-reading folks: Sorry for the delay getting these processed and up for you. It’s been a challenge finishing these for a number of reasons, but didn’t want you to think it meant your questions were unimportant to me.
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Dixie, sending you a belated thanks for answering my question. You were right in saying that my source of anger stems from a specific situation and that I’m bitter (I’d readily admit that) — it has to do with my job, and long-held hopes/dreams/wishes — and that I need to focus on being thankful for what is there (that I DO have a paying job that allows me to take care of myself). I’m getting a financial payout, for sure, not NOT one ounce of recognition for my hard work, which sucks. Still, if I didn’t have this job, I wouldn’t be able to tackle pressing problems, such as getting out of debt. So, thanks for the reading. I’d like to send you a tip, but when I clicked on the coffee cup, I got some sort of error message repeatedly. Is your link working correctly?
Sending you peace and love,
Colorful – Thank you for the feedback! I’m sorry to hear that I was on-target with the situation, but hope maybe some of what we got for you can help.
Thanks, too for the heads up about the link issue. I wasn’t aware and was able to fix up that link and another that weren’t working right. Greatly appreciated.
Good luck, dear!! ♥