December 8

CJ’s Missing all the Fun: Mini Chakra Check-in Tarot Reading

“Hi, Dixie. I’d love a mini-chakra check in, just to see what comes up. Thanks, cj”

I’ll be glad to see what we can get for you!

Short Answer: This feels like wearing a cloak of responsibility…too much to do. Share some of the dishes with the other folks who are eating there, and get some help if you can. Review your creative work to see if it still feels creative, or if it feels stale and draining. More me-time, and particularly joyous time in the kitchen, could sure lighten things up a lot…

Hope that helps!

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Chakras, Psychic Tarot Oracle, Solar Plexus Chakra, Strength, Video

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  1. This reading is so appropriate, Dixie. I do seem to be missing some light-heartedness and fun. I’ll be focusing on the sacral chakra and work toward tilting the scales of balance back to joyful rather than enduring.

    Interesting that you mentioned cooking for fun. That’s not much fun anymore, either. So after your reading, I decided to make a dish just for fun. My dad used to make Spanish rice for us when I was a kid ~ heavy on the cumin ~ so I threw together a big batch of it. Thing is, I don’t care about sharing it at all. I cooked it just for me. And that’s part of the fun of it. :-))

    Thank you for the “mini-reading”, Dixie. Believe me when I say there’s nothing “mini” about it at all.

    1. I’m so glad it was helpful to you, CJ. As I’ve mentioned before, so many of these little readings speak to me as much as to the folks I’m reading for, so to say, “I can relate” is a bit of an understatement.

      I’ll be searching for more fun right along with you, dear! :silly:

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