Next Week in the Cards
Cards pictured from Legacy of the Divine deck.
The outlook for the week is embodied by the Nine of Pentacles. This card points to a refined understanding—a deepening of insight. It’s like we’ve reached a new level of awareness. Things aren’t fully formed yet, but there’s progress. We’re starting to “get it” in a way we haven’t before, which is empowering, but also kind of disorienting.
Judgement reversed offers the advice here. It suggests that it’s not quite time to draw final conclusions. You might see the bigger picture more clearly, but the finer details? They’re still falling into place.
The “what” may be clear, but the “what it means”? Not so much.
Think of it as a paradigm shift. You’ve got a new framework, but not all the implications are obvious. And that’s okay. Big shifts take big processing. Perspective comes with time.
So, what should you do with this newfound understanding? Hold off on making any big moves just yet. Give yourself space to let everything settle, to let the details filter down and the nuances become clearer.
In short: Be patient with yourself. It’s perfectly fine to sit with this new awareness for a while, letting it fully integrate into your worldview. The clarity you’re after will come in time, but for now, let the process unfold naturally.
You are exactly where you need to be. Right here, right now.
What new paradigms are you considering?