November 2

Video: Seeing the Pattern


Patterns are all over the place!

Short version: Seeing patterns is not only a mark of intellect and a source of inspiration, it also helps us detach enough to think more clearly about an issue.

What do you think of the role of patterns?

Aside–my husband laughed when he saw this thumbnail. I got the goofy faces down, I guess.

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Intellegince, Video

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  1. I love your thoughts into it…
    well, as for a pattern today, here is what I saw today, these two car numbers one next to the other, as I waited to park : 5353 and 3353…
    Ahem…. thinking what might mean for my current situation

    Lots of love

  2. There are relationship patterns that I need to change ASAP. I see now that it’s been going on for years with many different people.

    And yes, your silly faces are so cute. You’re channeling Carol Burnett…

    (Adorable offspring there… what a sweetie!!!)

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