I’m always looking for signs. So it caught my attention, when I got a weird phone message on the tech support inbox for my business line Sunday evening.
“Hello. This is Maxine Crazylady. Call me back at 555-1212. I’m calling about…[insert full 30 second pause here]…I don’t know why I’m calling. I-found-you-or -something-mutter-mutter…anyway, call me back…..Maxine. Crazylady. Call me at 555-1212….Call me back………I like karma.” Click.
The funny thing is that for a few minutes, I actually planned on calling her back. Seriously. The woman says she doesn’t know why she called me and winds up with the declaration, “I like karma,” as if she were saying “I like oatmeal” or something, and I’m feeling an obligation to call her back?! What kind of crazy is that I’ve got there anyway? And can I get it off?
Maybe it’s a sign I need to mind my boundaries. Or maybe she had the secrets of the universe to reveal, and I was too short-sighted to call her befuddling, crazy ass back.
Or not. Probably not.
What would you think this is a sign of?
Me, I’d call her back. My phone and computer was doing really strange things this weekend I kept wondering if mercury or uranus were on steroids, to me that is too freaky to ignore. Just because we ignore a sign doesn’t diminish it;s message or significance(sp).
Me, I’d call her back. My phone and computer was doing really strange things this weekend I kept wondering if mercury or uranus were on steroids, to me that is too freaky to ignore. Just because we ignore a sign doesn’t diminish it;s message or significance(sp).
You are trying to get your attention, that is no doubt. Are you needing to acknowledge the ‘crazylady’ within? Have you recently been under attack from those who claim to love you unconditionally? The only person you need to talk to or call back, is your Self.
Be Well!
You are trying to get your attention, that is no doubt. Are you needing to acknowledge the ‘crazylady’ within? Have you recently been under attack from those who claim to love you unconditionally? The only person you need to talk to or call back, is your Self.
Be Well!
I don’t know, but that was hilarious
I don’t know, but that was hilarious
I would call her because my scorpio would be screaming FATE FATE FATE. But, crazy people normally accept me as one of their own so it would probably be like talking to someone I’ve known my whole life.
imagines next incoming crazy: “What? there are ants trying to steal the raisins on your bagel and they say the bees are coming to take your jam? Well crap! Let me call the bug people and I’ll be right over with my magnifying glass that way if we can’t hear what the ants are saying we can at least try to read their lips.”
I get crazy.
It’s the sane people I worry about.
I would call her because my scorpio would be screaming FATE FATE FATE. But, crazy people normally accept me as one of their own so it would probably be like talking to someone I’ve known my whole life.
imagines next incoming crazy: “What? there are ants trying to steal the raisins on your bagel and they say the bees are coming to take your jam? Well crap! Let me call the bug people and I’ll be right over with my magnifying glass that way if we can’t hear what the ants are saying we can at least try to read their lips.”
I get crazy.
It’s the sane people I worry about.
You’re hilarious! And sometimes the only thing “normal” in our house is the setting on the washing machine!
Josi, I agree with CancerMom and Kim – You are a riot! ♥
Of course I’d call her back because – I WANT TO KNOW.
Recenty you did a post with a picture of the Crazy Cat Lady except you had better hair, maybe she thinks you her kindred spirit.
Call her and let us know (ok let ME know) how it turned out.
Thank you, for pointing out I have better hair. I do, quite clearly, and am gratified it’s noticeable.
Of course I’d call her back because – I WANT TO KNOW.
Recenty you did a post with a picture of the Crazy Cat Lady except you had better hair, maybe she thinks you her kindred spirit.
Call her and let us know (ok let ME know) how it turned out.
Thank you, for pointing out I have better hair. I do, quite clearly, and am gratified it’s noticeable.
Ah geez, what a stitch!!!
I’d probably call back, and then be disgusted with myself for doing so. It’d be someone trying to sell me something.
And Josi, you brighten my day. Every time. I guess I “get” crazy too!
Thank you Kim! It means a lot to hear that
Ah geez, what a stitch!!!
I’d probably call back, and then be disgusted with myself for doing so. It’d be someone trying to sell me something.
And Josi, you brighten my day. Every time. I guess I “get” crazy too!
My curiosity would get the best of me and I’d have to call her back. It might not be a sign at all. People are just odd sometimes. And, if she really needs you, she’ll call you back.
See, I’m totally surprised by all the people who say they would call her back. Maybe it’s just because you didn’t listen her? I thought I was being a goof for even considering calling her back…but I don’t think we could have had any coherent conversation, judging by the disjointed vibe from her message.
I do, however, agree with her point, “I like karma.”
This is hilarious! (And Josi with her magnifying glass and CancerMom with her “normal” setting made me laugh out loud!)
Although I’m quite probably on the side of the fence posted “Certifiably Insane but Mostly Harmless”, I don’t think I would have called her back. But I definitely would have pondered for HOURS about what it meant!
Ami says: I love reading your ALL your comments, it brightens my day .I agree with Christie and yeah its good to often look at the ‘crazylady’ within. Happy Easter from Aussieland.
Thanks. Welcome, ami. ♥