July 6

Ragdoll Heard Me Thinking


Psychic Rag Doll
“I hear you thinking that.”

A little girl was here.  Hyper as all get out, bouncing off the walls.  A handful, but honestly, not without cause. Adults have let her down. She generates her own force field in compensation.

She flopped over on on the couch, dramatically flailing her arms for effect. Rather like a ragdoll, I thought.

She snapped her attention to me. “I am not a ragdoll!” she declares, pseudo-sternly.

“You heard me thinking that?”


“I see. Not a ragdoll.” I nod. She goes back to her performance, not missing a beat.

We were surrounded by people. But nobody else heard me think that. I wasn’t thinking it loud, after all. Just a quiet little thought.

You ever hear people thinking?

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Clairaudience, Psychic

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  1. All the time.
    And then try to convince myself I didn’t. Or pass it off as my own, when it isn’t.
    Makes me wish for the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, etc., etc. There’s so many times I’d rather just be oblivious.
    Wow. Sorry. What a mood I’ve been in.
    Carry on, Dixie.

    1. I am on a quest to control or direct my “hearing” too. Grounding, I’ve found helps a great deal. I have NOT found anything that works in turning it off and back on at will (which is my goal). BUT, grounding exercises help me to sort and deal with the information that comes in and it also helps me release focus from it when I need to do other things..like, live like a normal person.

      Just thought I’d throw that out there in an effort to help. I dont know what type of grounding works for you but I find things like meditation, gardening, cleaning (oh this is a GOOD one) and doing things to release some of my overproductive energy due a mars/uranus conjunction..physical exercise or finding a plane to jump out of or riding my motorcycle for an adrenaline release, stuff like that.
      Blessings to you!

    2. (((Kim))) Your daily hug!

      And I’ve always heard it’s 2.6 kids and the fence…

      I’ve got one plus the fence, but it does need to be painted.

  2. All the time.
    And then try to convince myself I didn’t. Or pass it off as my own, when it isn’t.
    Makes me wish for the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, etc., etc. There’s so many times I’d rather just be oblivious.
    Wow. Sorry. What a mood I’ve been in.
    Carry on, Dixie.

  3. Haha, her response is so cute! Wonder what her chart is like Dixie?

    One incident with a woman I barely knew. I can’t remember the details, but I answered something she was thinking and she looked very nonplussed. She didn’t say it out loud. Happens with loved ones frequently, I’ll ‘hear’ what they’re thinking before they say it out loud.

    You ever ‘hear’ others too Dixie?

    1. Yeah, sometimes I do. It’s not an everyday occurrence and often it’s just as you describe, I’ll hear a single thought or comment. More frequently with my husband than others. I’m not trying to tune it in actively. It just shows up.

  4. Sometimes. But usually my ears are reserved for those on another plane. I think I don’t hear what people think very often because, frankly, I don’t want to know. LOL. You know, it isn’t the dead people that others need to be afraid of..it’s the ones that are still alive. At least that’s what I say.
    Curious tho. How old is this child? Was she born in the summer of 2003 by any chance?

  5. Yikes! It unnerves when I think that people hear can hear me thinking on the subway… And I’m not sure if I hear others’ thoughts. I don’t think I do. Not in words anyway. I get a “Feeling” about their nature though.

  6. Thanks, Josi –

    Yep, I get it about the grounding thing. Doing the “tree” meditation. Another from Shekina Rose.
    Would LOVE to get on a bike again. Dress up in black leather.
    Even get on my horse, but I wrenched my knee 6 weeks ago, and it’s a little soon to hop up there.

    I think I’ve got to keep releasing all this crap before things are going to let up. I’m trying to figure out how I can do that.

  7. I can’t hear thoughts, but sometimes I can feel if someone is angry with me. So I try to keep the white light around me as much as possible.

    I try to keep my own thoughts kind, in case someone else hears them.

    Once, when I was mad at a co-worker, I yelled a bad word in my mind. And she looked like she was pushed back suddenly. She had kind of deserved it, but I felt bad anyway.

  8. My kids hear me thinking all the time- I feel like they listen to that small section of my brain that is processing at the same time another part is working on cooking dinner or something as mundane as that. My oldest has Mercury in Pisces riding the cusp of the 4th, the other has Mercury in Cancer sitting in the 8th. It seems natural they’d be doing this, but I still find myself amazed when it happens.

  9. I’m with MoonPluto. I don’t hear the words, I just get a “feeling” about what they’re feeling.

  10. yup. Shocked the hell out of me when I figured out what was happening. Have learned not to mention it. Wish I could control it, but it’s very off & on. Also feel others feelings, and it’s taken a lot of practice to learn to recognize this instead of internalizing it as my own. packed 12th house in cancer is very empathetic.

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