“Focus on what you DO want. A little tricky not to go into denial or delusional territory, but it DOES make me feel better than focusing on what I fear or don’t want.”
I’m not talking about tuning out what needs to be done or going “la-la-la” with your hands clamped over your ears. I’m not talking about chanting or affirming or praying to a candle to grant you the temporary insanity to believe you’ve got no problems to resolve.
But whatever the situation, you can fear it declining or anticipate it improving, you know? You decide how you look at it, what frequency you tune in to. Do you see help everywhere or do you see defeat everywhere? Whatever you continually look for, you’re gonna find, man.
It’s the same with people—some seek success through building up, others through tearing down. Abundance versus lack. Love versus fear.
You tend to end up where you’re looking, so always, always look at the next step up. You don’t have to pretend you’re already there, but appreciating the progress you’ve made so far energizes you and seeing that next step within reach, you know you can make it. That IS what gets you there.
If you’re trying to back up from fears, attending to where you don’t want to go, there’s a good chance you’ll trip and fall right down into that darkness you aimed to avoid.
And when you do, you’ll say, “I knew it was gonna happen!” And you did, because it was all you could think about. Your focus made it real before it ever hit the material plane.
Turn around instead, and let the light at the top of the stairs guide your path, toward the next step up. That’s the way out of the basement.
Do you look for the next step up? How do you see it working?
You’re very welcome, Lilly. :rose: