January 7

New Show Jan. 8: Spiritual Protection Q & A with Live Q!


Doing the next installment of the Woo-Woo Wonderful! show with my pal Josi Case tomorrow! We’re going to respond to the questions and feedback we got from the first show, expand a little here and there, and take your questions LIVE if you’ve got ’em!


You can always see the current broadcast by going to our “Watch” page at woowoowonderful.com/watch.

It’s not hard to ask questions live. You can add comments directly at YouTube (the January episode will be here), or get our attention anywhere on Google+ or Twitter by using a #woowoowonderful hashtag. Here are the directions for submitting a question or comment while we’re on-air. We may not be able to get to everybody, but we’ll address as many as we can that fit into our topical theme.

You can also ask questions ahead of time, or view the show video later if you’re not available at 6pm Eastern/5 Central. Hope to see some of y’all in the question feed. Looking forward to it!

Feedback or suggestions for future shows? Share ’em!

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


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