February 21

Mind / Body / Spirit Spread



One of the first (and easiest) spreads to learn is the Mind/Body/Spirit. Not surprisingly, that’s a 3-card spread covering–you guessed it!–mind, body, and spirit.

Oddly enough, when using the spread I find it reads very similar to a Past/Present/Future layout, the messages are very similar. Which makes sense, I guess. Thinking is heavily influenced by  (past) experience, physical body is extremely present-tense, and (at least in my world) the future is driven by spirit. Experiment with reading one spread both ways to see exactly what I’m talking about.

I also love combining these for myself with my “Trust Your Vibes” deck for specific advice on improving any weak points. I find this combination works exceptionally well for me, with the advice from Sonia’s deck spot-on and helpful.

And I was thinking…New Year’s resolution focus is waning by now and maybe, a check-in would be a good idea for others as well as for me. So I decided to offer them to y’all for the rest of February.

Mind/Body/Spirit Snapshot 


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3-Card Spread, Learning Tarot, Specials, Tarot Spreads

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