November 23

Glitter Tarot Deck Craft Project


Ever since I trimmed my Radiant Rider Waite deck, it hasn’t been entirely happy with me.

Yes, I anthropomorphize my decks. Deal with it.

Not because I think it’s blasphemy. I think it’s just because I was so…haphazard in my technique. I lopped off the borders with wild abandon. I have a streak of perfectionism a mile wide (Hello, Virgo!) and sometimes to compensate, I push myself to jump in with both feet instead. Chopping up a Tarot deck is kind of scary, so I went with the “both feet” method.

It wasn’t done with proper care and respect, this is what I decided. I apologized to the deck a number of times and promised my continuing love and respect, but I still got a slightly cold shoulder. So I decided to make it up to my friend by showering this deck with some love. I opted for glitter. I have a Lenormand deck I’ve glittered up with highlights and we get on fabulously.

I’ll admit, I did spend some time lusting after artist Carol Herzer’s Illuminated Tarot. While it’s certainly a reasonable price for meticulously hand-painted cards, it’s beyond what I wanted to invest in a Tarot deck. I’ve also seen Donnaleigh do it and thought it was a fabulous idea.

At any rate, this is my cut-rate, glittered up version of wonderful and I cannot wait to start working with it again…I love it, flaws and all.

What I’d do differently next time:

  • More carefully plan my inventory of glitter polish. I had to get more mid-project. Two or three bottles of each main color should do it, at least one bottle of the lesser used colors, and four or five of the irresdecent glitter I slathered over each card should do it.
  • Do one color at a time on cards and let it dry before adding new colors. Or maybe not; I’m impatient. But it would have fewer color smears.
  • Allow all the colors to dry before vamping it up with the iridescent glitter. Again, my impatience got in the way.
  • Keep a tissue handy while painting, for wiping off mistakes in the glitter painting. My fingers are far too pudgy to be fully effective.
  • Keep a pair of reading glasses next to the project at all times. Because sometimes, I’m just lazy.
  • Buy cheapo, fine-tip brushes and use with a paper plate as a palate. But that would be going all artsy-fartsy.
  • Use a screwdriver instead of scissors to pry the lid off the sealer. (Shhh! Don’t tell Captain Virgo!)
  • Use two trash bags to spread out cards when coating with sealer. Reusing the same bag was sticky. Also, do this on a warmer day.

What I would not change:

  • Use this activity as a way to wind down and relax. It was great, very soothing!
  • Pulled the cards to paint from a shuffled deck, asking questions along the way. It was both informative as a mini-reading and also made a nice connection with each card as I was working on it.
  • Glittered up ALL the cards, even the “bad” ones. Because the Three of Swords needs love, too.
  • Not taking myself or the project too seriously. I wanted to infuse some fun and love into this deck again to make it a strong working deck, and I believe I succeeded. It may not be perfect, but as long as I’m happy with it, it works.

Be aware if you give this a try, it makes your deck a lot thicker. I am not concerned about shuffling off the glitter because I used the sealer and since I didn’t spend a fortune, it won’t be a tragedy when the deck is worn out. I’ll just give it a respectful goodbye and make another if I’m so moved.

Would you every glitter up a Tarot deck, or does the thought make you shudder?

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Radiant Rider Waite, Tarot Crafts, Tarot Decks

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  1. HAHAHAHA!!! This made me laugh out loud!! I remembered when you trimmed the deck I said it’d be pissed. We talked about all the knowledge leaking out of the cards through the cuts. I’m glad you made them righteous again.

  2. So pretty!!!!! I love glitter!!!

    Ok, here’s a tip from my kids’ arts and crafts days… toothpicks and wooden skewers to touch up or adjust or move around the sparkled items while they’re still sticky.

    This gives me some ideas for holiday projects…

  3. I so want to try this, but I’m not much of an artist. Could you share a list of supplies that you used – what sealer…what paints?

    1. Oh my gosh, Lauren! If you knew me, you’d laugh out loud and realize if I can do it, so can you! I “painted” them with a whole bunch of colors of cheap glitter nail polish from Family Dollar (the $1/bottle kind) and sealed it by spraying a can of ModPodge. I did just laminate this deck, which preserves the sparkle but makes it really thick to handle. But yeah. If the craft impaired like myself can pull it off. SO CAN YOU!!

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