May 31

My book! My book! My book!


Paperback or Kindle versions
Paperback or Kindle version

Okay, for those who have asked, my book is now available in paperback!  (I combined the two e-books I’d written previously, now covering the whole deck.)

You can buy the book online at Amazon, Createspace, eventually Barnes & Noble online and God knows where else.

I’ve had some asking about signed copies. Hilarious, ain’t it? Makes me feel all famous or something. So I got a few for signing; you have my full permission to eBay off these puppies immediately once I become super-famous and appear on Oprah!

Signed Copies of Dixie’s Book

Update: I’ve sold the copies that I ordered for signing. If you’d still like a signed copy, you can contact me to get on a waiting list and I will do another round if there is sufficient interest. But otherwise, just get a copy from Amazon!

Thank you!

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Amazon, Dixie's Bookshelf, Support AFJ

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  1. OMG I LOVE the picture of you!! CONGRATS!!!!!! I can’t wait to read it!!!

    Hugs from one of your biggest fans! Love you my pink haired friend

  2. Dang, I missed your “official launch”!!! Oh well, here I am, and I am SO SO SOOOO HAPPY that I can now have a PAPER version!!!! Yay!!!!! Very excited!!! I have ordered my copy!!! Thank you so much, and bravo!!!! I am going to be SLEEPING with this book, I know it!!!!

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