August 20

Approval vs. Joy & the Healing Secret Within (Aquarius Full Moon)



Seeking the approval of others hinders my joyousness. If the way you feel depends on anything outside of you, you’re in trouble—but if you depend only upon your connection with your own Inner Being, then everything in your experience falls into alignment.” – Abraham/Hicks

I’ve said it many times: Any time your happiness depends on factors outside yourself, you are in trouble! We want the Magician working here for us here, not the Devil.

That doesn’t mean we must lack emotional connections or interdependencies. It merely means taking responsibility first and foremost for your OWN happiness and well-being. In truth, there is no better way to positively influence others’ happiness and well-being than to take charge and responsibility for your own.

Happy parents help make happy children. Happy wives and/or happy husbands help create happy marriages. Happy bosses make for happier employees.

The most powerful healing comes from within—fueled by a deep acceptance of who you really are inside. The really cool thing about self-healing is that in the process, your example, your energy, your joyful vibration lifts and helps heal OTHER PEOPLE. Like ripples in the water, that energy expands whomever it touches.

Some will approve of you, and some will not. That’s SO not about you (or me). But if you maintain the righteous freedom of being who you truly are in every way possible, full of love and acceptance for who THAT person is, a truly life-affirming and healing energy that opens up as a direct result.

Make no mistake: Living as true to yourself as possible, seeking your own joy instead of approval, will definitely make some people disapprove! But you know what? That is their right, their path to walk, their confusion to clear. Don’t own that. Own YOU.

This message brought to you by the Full Moon in Aquarius, 8:45pm CST.

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Affirmations, Aquarius, Full Moon, Law of Attraction, LOA

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