First of all, I want to thank everybody who has ordered one of these readings. I’ve enjoyed doing them so much! And I’m very interested to see how the year plays out in comparison, so y’all are welcome to give me updates.
I even did one for myself and am saving it–I pretended I was somebody else, to see if I could get a better read that way. (Yes, I thanked myself for getting a reading from me. I am polite, damn it, even to myself!)
I have sometimes done Zodiac spreads when someone isn’t quite sure what to ask. It covers a lot of bases. But this is the first time I’ve done them in the context of forecasting. And the most interesting things emerged (to me, anywho)–first of all, I got a clear sense of where someone is in a larger cycle. I felt a sense of context, which surprised me some since I was specifically asking about the future. But what I liked even more was the way that the different positions spoke to each other, you know? For those areas of life that looked particularly challenging, I’d usually get the sense of an antidote in another area.
I was able to say things like, “Okay, it looks like your finances will be challenging this year, but you can expect to make good strides in career–you’re building something here, there is a point, so focus on that.” If 2013 looked to be a challenging year for family relationships, escape routes for tension would emerge through creative pursuits, etc. Even with difficult spreads (and there have been a few), being able to put it in the larger context, being able to offer suggestions for mitigating difficulties have made these readings feel especially helpful and therefore rewarding.
It’s served as a really good reminder for ME that everything happens in context, as it should, part of a bigger process. That right there is valuable knowledge, you know? For all of us.
If you haven’t gotten one and you’d like to, I’ll be doing them through the end of January. After that, no more until the holidays roll back around.
I just re-read the Zodiac Report you did for me and wanted to say thank you for the encouragement. My son is going through a very, very difficult Saturn return and I really did need some encouragement.
I”m very, very glad it has been helpful, Mist. I’m going to watch the one I did for myself closely this year, since this was the first time I tried these.