When I mix up my own essential oil blends, Rosemary oil is one of my favorites. I enjoy the smell, it blends well with other scents, and I like it’s metaphysical properties, so it’s among the first I reach for because it’s so versatile.
Also known as Rosmarinus Officinalis or Rosmarinus Coronarium, Rosemary is a perennial shrubbery with silvery green leaves and lots of little, blue flowers. The essential oil is distilled primarily from the flowering tops.
Rosemary Oil Contains:
- Antioxidants–reduces cellular breakdown associated with aging, helps circulation and memory
- Camphor–stimulant and antiseptic
- Rosmaricine–stimulant and anti-inflammatory
Rosemary is widely associated with love and remembrance for aromatherapy, as well as protection. It’s known as well as for it’s healing capacities, as Rosemary is both antiseptic and antibacterial. Since Rosemary stimulates the adrenal gland, it’s also used for depression, chronic illness and low energy levels. It’s also believed to stimulate hair growth and used for dandruff. In massage blends, Rosemary is added for relief from tired, aching muscles. In other words, it does a whole lot of stuff and it smells pretty darned nice, too!
Safety note: Pregnant women or people with Epilepsy or heart problems should avoid Rosemary oil.
Do you use Rosemary Oil? What for?
Rosemary rocks!
And I will attest to the belief that it stimulates hair growth. I use rosemary essential oil (diluted in a blend, of course) in my hair all the time, and not only does it smell nice, but it grows super fast. I just had to get about 4 inches cut off, and people are still commenting on how long my hair has gotten.
This is excellent information Dixie. I’m wondering, do you know how to extract oils from home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html grown plants? I have peppermint, lavendar and rosemary. As I was harvesting some yesterday to dry for sachets I wondered if this was possible and of course, thought of you
Hi Josi,
If Dixie will permit me to throw in a little info on the plants here (I certainly don’t intend to step on any toes or coattails or steal any thunder!)! Aromatherapy & essential oils are my passion, and I will talk about them to the point & beside the point!
Essential Oils are usually extracted from the plants through steam distillation. For that, you need an extraction still. You can also press the plants and heat them gently into an oil (like olive oil) to create an herbal infused oil (best to use a double boiler). That’s not the same as a pure essential oil, though.
I appreciate your info and insight, Regina! I know I have folks reading who often know more than I do about various things I’m writing about, and I appreciate their additions greatly!
Thank you so much Regina!