June 7

Power of Play


Play Heals
Play is like a vacation!

My husband and I play Dungeons and Dragon online together. I play a Sorceress, naturally. I’m a born spellcaster.

It may seem frivolous to some, but those hours we spend not are not only fun and good for our relationship, they’re good for my radar, too. Letting go of day-to-day monkey mind chatter, engaging my imagination, and visualizing myself as a powerful magic user, conjuring reality and helping others is a pretty damned good visualization practice.

How does your play feed you?

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  1. Awesome! My husband and I spent years trying out different games to find the ones we could play together. Normally, I spent that time with him and the game was just there. Then something cool happened. I met other women playing the games. We talked about shoes, etc while playing. My husband was amused it was shoes that drew me into the social aspect of the games, but hey … shoes rock.

    I then began to feel I had a stake in the game, rather than just chilling with him. Instead of that leading to less time together, it raised his respect for me as my gaming skills improved. I love DDO. That was one I was very into while we played. Anarchy Online was another I enjoyed.

    City of Heroes is the big one to which we always return. My husband has A) polyalt syndrome (He makes a bazillion characters. We take months getting out of the noob zones of each new game.) and switches games as soon as he’s figured out what annoys him most.

    The game must have a good skill system, combat system, craft system, economy layout and social setup. I listen to what he gripes about as we play, gauging how long before we switch. We’re playing Rift together right now. I enjoy it a lot. He started griping about how the crafting system is almost useless. I assume we have about 2 months left before we return to City of Heroes. Crafting’s a big deal for him.

    It may sound a little loony, but he’s a techno-shaman. This is one of the best fields on which to get to know him. It’s where he’s most comfortable. I’ve learned more about my husband through playing video games with him than I ever did by just chatting or even pillow talk.

    1. It’s funny how much one’s personality comes out in the alternative universe, isn’t it? My husband is always quick to go after the monsters that attack me. Mars/Cancer. I think it’s sweet.

  2. Awesome! My husband and I spent years trying out different games to find the ones we could play together. Normally, I spent that time with him and the game was just there. Then something cool happened. I met other women playing the games. We talked about shoes, etc while playing. My husband was amused it was shoes that drew me into the social aspect of the games, but hey … shoes rock.

    I then began to feel I had a stake in the game, rather than just chilling with him. Instead of that leading to less time together, it raised his respect for me as my gaming skills improved. I love DDO. That was one I was very into while we played. Anarchy Online was another I enjoyed.

    City of Heroes is the big one to which we always return. My husband has A) polyalt syndrome (He makes a bazillion characters. We take months getting out of the noob zones of each new game.) and switches games as soon as he’s figured out what annoys him most.

    The game must have a good skill system, combat system, craft system, economy layout and social setup. I listen to what he gripes about as we play, gauging how long before we switch. We’re playing Rift together right now. I enjoy it a lot. He started griping about how the crafting system is almost useless. I assume we have about 2 months left before we return to City of Heroes. Crafting’s a big deal for him.

    It may sound a little loony, but he’s a techno-shaman. This is one of the best fields on which to get to know him. It’s where he’s most comfortable. I’ve learned more about my husband through playing video games with him than I ever did by just chatting or even pillow talk.

    1. It’s funny how much one’s personality comes out in the alternative universe, isn’t it? My husband is always quick to go after the monsters that attack me. Mars/Cancer. I think it’s sweet.

  3. So true. After all, Neptune a very creative planet as well. Just recently I started drawing again, after 25 years since my last art class!

    1. That’s fabulous, MarlyK! I’d be interested in how that impacts you and the work you do. I sometimes forget the value of play. But the bottom line is, if makes you feel joyful, it’s usually good for you and your soul!

  4. So true. After all, Neptune a very creative planet as well. Just recently I started drawing again, after 25 years since my last art class!

    1. That’s fabulous, MarlyK! I’d be interested in how that impacts you and the work you do. I sometimes forget the value of play. But the bottom line is, if makes you feel joyful, it’s usually good for you and your soul!

  5. I can think of three things. Riding my horse, I reconnect with POWER!! We laugh a lot, but there’s something about getting on a great big horse, and staying on! Walking the dogs, I find the peace within that’s hard to access sometimes. And playing my music and singing? I transcend.

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