December 7

Just In Case (listening to your own advice)


Something that cracks me up about doing these little video readings is exactly how often I get some of my own guidance from them. Time and again, my own messages show up this way, through those and other readings.

Like when I’m telling Patty to get rid of the papers that hold ugly energy for her, and reminding Mist to check her journal for the energy held in her words…I started thinking about how words hold energy, and the energy in my life I didn’t really like feeling.

I had a number of email messages that had been upsetting to me, and while I didn’t have it sitting in my inbox anymore to smack me in the face each time I opened my email program, I kept them archived, out of sight but still accessible for review, “just in case.”

In case of what, I have no clue! It’s not like was going to court. In case I wanted to feel crummy about it all over again, I should keep this? In case I wanted to feed a grudge? In case I started to forgive, forget and move past the pain?


I felt a little nervous deleting them, silly as that is. Like I was losing something, giving up, surrendering. And in a sense, I guess I was. But it was a good surrender.

It was utterly remarkable. I felt better immediately! It was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. It released the energy wrapped up in those words immediately. I didn’t even know I was holding on to it, but it was there still, weighing me down. “Just in case.”

I talked to Caroline about more consistent spiritual practices and to Josi about setting parameters around her spirit work. More of the same was coming in this round of videos. Yes, yes, yes, much IS info I need to heed. Nothing worse that hearing advice coming out of your own mouth for someone else that you would do well to listen to, huh? Har!

So looks like I need to schedule more time for fun, with lots of appearances of the Second Chakra in these video readings (and other Chakra Check-ins I’ve done). And I cringe to think of the number of times I’ve recently told people they need to take better care of themselves physically. Oy vey!

Okay, Spirit, I’m listening! I’ll try to comply. Because really, what else am I going to do? I don’t want to be a hypocrite.

So my choices are either stop giving such great advice or start taking it better. Classic catch-22 if you ask me, man.

Do you hear messages for you coming out of your own mouth?

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3 Times Rule, On my Radar, Spirit Messages

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