April 6

Welcome Healing Stone!


Infinite /Infinity Healing Gemstone

I was in the bedroom on the phone, complaining to a friend how much I missed my Infinite stone. This piece, I love and he’d been in hiding for MONTHS. Couldn’t find him anywhere, although I looked repeatedly. That happens, I know.

But it made me sad anyway–this is the best healing stone I’ve ever had! I was completely smitten from the minute I saw the picture in an eBay auction. I knew he would be a good match for me.

Well, he must have heard me lamenting the loss. He showed up the next day, on the floor next to a footstool in the bedroom. You know, someplace I’d  looked a few dozen times. Someplace I’d walked by at least a thousand times.

I was so happy to see him!

I’m also thinking, maybe I should be cleaning him regularly. In my research on Infinite, I was getting mixed results on the need for clearing this stone and since it never stopped working for me, didn’t much bother. But considering his vacation…well, maybe I will rethink that. A little moonlight, or sun, or some time with the Selenite should do it. Maybe he just needed a vacation.

I think he still loves me, though–that’s why he came back home!

Do your stones act like this?

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Infinite Stone, Infinity Stone

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  1. I put all of my chrystals in a box thinking I’d wash them and then set them outside to charge in the sun.. It was a flat…like you see at the maeket with 4 6-packs of soda or beer resting in. It was a lot of chrystals as my collection had been growing for years. I got distracted and sat the box on my kitchen table thinking I’d do it later in the day. Well that turned in to a week…or more and then I realized they were gone. I hadn’t moved them, my cleaning lady barely remembered them being there.. I have searched my house for several years now and they are still not coming out of hiding! When I ask for them I hear …we’re busy right now so we need to stay here for a while…I know they are still here…they say they are here but they aren’t coming out till they are no longer needed where ever it is they have gone.

  2. WoW, why am I surprised? lol It gets me every time & I LOVE IT!— Where do I start? Let me see…so I’m at work yesterday typing away. I by accident typed FOOL and I naturally laughed at what I did, and thanked my angels for their hilarious humor(my point will resume in a moment),ha! Today, I was curious on recapping what my Infinite stone was all about (simply needed a refresher), googled it, and in the list of results, comes up your website: A FOOL’s Journey. WOAH!—> CONNECTION!
    Now I am a follower of your blog, which is very entertaining, btw.
    Thank you for encouraging to “SHINE YOUR LIGHT!” — I Love you for that!
    Enjoy the F(oo)l Moon tonight! haha!

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