May 18

Selecting Gemstones by Energy


I’ve noticed several people mention they like “pretty rocks” but have no idea how to go about picking them. Here’s my very simple technique for getting a good gemstone for you without knowing thing one about ’em!

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Beginners, Gemstone Guides, Healing Stones, Metaphysical Gemstones, Video

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  1. LOL… I was eating a piece of chocolate as I watched this!

    I got my infinity yesterday and put it under my pillow last night, and had tons of dreams!

    Thank you for this good advice, because I was thinking “more rocks, this is a good thing…”

    btw, my husband is a geologist.

    1. Very cool, sofie! You’ll have to let us know how the Infinity works for you as you become acquainted. And very funny your husband is a geologist! Guess he won’t complain about a few rocks laying ’round the house.

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