May 19

Pendulum Video Demonstration


Here’s a video demonstration of how I use my pendulum to get simple answers (Yes, No, Sometimes, Undetermined). Pendulums do have different ways of indicating answers for different people, so work with yours until you feel confident of understanding it’s responses.

You can also dangle pendulums over maps or calendars to decide between locations or dates or whatever you fancy–just watch for where the pendulum starts to swing like crazy and that’s where you want to follow up.

While Quartz is probably most common, pendulums are made from variety of lovely gemstones. This one is Lapis Lazuli and I’m really loving it. Even though I often like to select gemstones in person, I have had good luck buying them online as well. I got this pendulum from a very nice witch in Texas.

Do you use a pendulum? Tell us about it!

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divination, Lapis Lazuli, Pendulum, Video

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  1. Hi Dixie,
    In your readings can you start out with a pendulum yes no question and then ask the cards for clarification? Do you include a pendulum reading in your card reading consults?

    1. I sometimes use them together, moozie. It hadn’t occurred to me to offer them together specifically but if somebody wanted it that way, I don’t see why not.

  2. Hi Dixie,
    In your readings can you start out with a pendulum yes no question and then ask the cards for clarification? Do you include a pendulum reading in your card reading consults?

    1. I sometimes use them together, moozie. It hadn’t occurred to me to offer them together specifically but if somebody wanted it that way, I don’t see why not.

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