It’s that time again–Mercury Retrograde. With the abundance of Mercury energy ’round this house, Rx periods don’t go unnoticed. As a Merc-heavy type, my personal experience of this vibe starts about a week before the actual retrograde. Lucky ducky me, huh? Ha!
For the uninitiated, retrogrades are periods when, from our Earthly perspective, a planet appears to be moving backwards. This has the same type of impact you would expect: delay! Mercury goes retrograde about 3 times a year for about 3 weeks each time. As Mercury rules communication and short trips, these periods are famous for frustrations, delays, and all sorts of confusion.
If you can avoid signing contracts, making major purchases, or beginning new projects or commitments, that’s a good idea. It’s NOT, however, reason to freak out if scheduling works out to where you need to do this stuff during an Rx period. Life goes on, you know? Just double or triple check your details, and be prepared for delays, miscommunications, or the need to go back and re-do something you’ve already done. Give yourself extra breathing room, build it in to your plans, and you’ll fare just fine.
The exception here is for those who were born during a Rx period; I’ve repeatedly heard from these folks that the retrograde does NOT disturb their mojo the same as for everyone else. But do remember, even you protected types were not born into a vacuum. You may miss some of the stress personally, but people in your world won’t be. So be extra kind to the rest of us, okay?
Mercury Rx is an excellent time, though, to do anything that starts with “re” – revisit, review, rework, rethink, redo. So don’t think of it as a screwed up mess. Think of it as a second chance to get it right! Mercury would approve.
Note: We also have Mars and Saturn retrograde as well, so on many levels, this period may feel especially sluggish, difficult to move forward. Take a deep breath, review those details one more time, and do the best you can. That is good enough.
You feeling this retrograde yet?
My youngest son wished me happy late Mother’s Day this morning via text after he left for school. He also said, “I didn’t even know yesterday was mother’s day!” LOL..neither did I!
Love his heart.
That’s so cute!