Here is a brief rundown of the Zodiac House rulerships. Please bear in mind these are only the briefest of keywords used as a snapshots, but they should provide a quick idea as to the character and tone of each house and sign.
Aries: Pioneering, independent, assertive
1st House: Basic attitude towards life, stance in life
Rules Self / “I am…”
Taurus: Stubborn, steady, practical
2nd House: Possessions, finances, values ethics.
Rules Money / “I have…”
Gemini: Light, intelligent, multitasking, curious
3rd House: Way of understanding and learning.
Rules Family / “I think…”
Cancer: Moody, protective, emotional
4th: home, what makes you feel comfortable.
Rules home / “I feel…”
Leo: Self-conscious, vital, sincere, egotistical, loyal
5th House: Games, sports, creativity.
Rules Children / “I will…”
Virgo: Methodical, helpful, particular, fussy
6th House: Work, practical effort and health.
Rules Work / “I serve…”
Libra: Partnerships, friends, fairness, indecisive
7th House: Partnership and friends.
Rules Partnership / “I balance…”
Scorpio: Instinctive, charismatic, intense, deep
8th House: Investments, business, legacy, death.
Rules Rebirth / “I desire…”
Sagittarius: Expansive, travels, optimistic, blunt
9th House: Travel, philosophy, broad view.
Rules Education / “I see…”
Capricorn: Planning, practical, responsible, fearful
10th House: Career, role in life.
Rules Reputation / “I use…”
Aquarius: Friendly, intelligent, urban, shocking
11th House Organizations, clubs, social activities.
Rules Friends / “I know…”
Pisces: Sensitive, sacrificing, holistic, dreamer
12th House: Unconscious, delusion, sacrifice, transcendence.
Rules Hidden / “I believe…”