May 13

Mini-Meditation: Fly Away from Conflict


My husband gave me a version of this mini-meditation when I was all riled up over somebody else’s conflict. Works great!

See yourself outside, atop a very high mountain in a beautiful range. The conflict that’s been surrounding you, touching your life and your heart, still exists, but it’s down in the valley below where you’re now sitting.

Gazing down into the valley, you can catch only glimpses of the battle now. The people are far away. You can see there are words exchanged, but have no idea what’s being said.  They are so far away, there’s just nothing for you to do. They must resolve their own differences. You send them love and wish them well.

Instead, you turn your attention to the flowers, on the ground next to you. They’re lovely and smell so sweet…a gentle breeze rustles through the trees and carries their soothing scent, whisking away any remaining tension, just like a warm, cleansing shower. You can no longer hear voices over the chorus of birds singing. Breathe in the beauty and calm of the life energy surrounding you.

Just then, an eagle flies by, catching your attention. “How lovely it must be to fly,” you think.

As you shift focus to the eagle, your energy merges and you can see through his eyes. You’re flying! Watch, fly with the eagle, soaring up and down through the clouds, swooping swiftly past the people, past the tops of pine trees, over a river and through the most amazing landscape you’ve ever seen. Travel with the Eagle as long as you like, and let him show you some of  his awesome world.

When you’re ready, thank your Eagle friend and ask him to return you home.

Let me know if you try this one.

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