January 27

Jealous Much?


“You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars. ” Gary Allan


I’d planned on writing about jealousy for the full moon. It’s a Leo topic, you know? Instead, it sat in draft while I ended up talking to one of my Tarot peeps about–wait for it–jealousy! Har!

Aside: Nadia over at Ruby Slipper Astrology wrote a great (and succinct) post that covers being unappreciated. Good reason it was on my radar, I guess. Fits the sky.

Maybe it would be more semantically accurate to call it “envy,” but I’m talking about resentment over someone else having what you don’t.

The interesting thing to me about jealousy (or whatever you call it) isn’t what is says about whomever deemed “unduly blessed.” It’s not even what it says about the person feeling jealous, although it says something to be sure!

I’m interested the practical outcomes, energetically.

If I am jealous of your status, I am setting myself apart not so much from YOU, but from that status specifically.

I’m attaching a negative vibration (read: repelling energy) between myself and the coveted status. I’m defining having that status as evidence of wrongdoing, or the effects of dumb luck.  I’m finding reasons why you did not get there honorably, and excuses as to why I am not there myself. This is what we do to comfort ourselves.

By not crediting you directly, I’m relinquishing my own power to obtain similar outcomes. It is a shallow comfort.

I’m not saying I never feel jealousy. I’m as human as the next gal! But whenever it crops up, I know it’s a poke for me to look deeper and ask myself, “Why?” More times than not, it’s because I fear myself lacking.

And fear IS a great saboteur of success, having not a damn thing to do with anybody else. The good news is, fear is a problem that can be solved!

If someone else accomplishes what I would like for myself, there is encouragement! That means I could do so, too! If they worked harder than I am willing to work to get there, or have skills I do not possess, then it is not my path. But someone else’s shininess doesn’t detract from my own shine. Many beautiful flowers can come together to make up a garden.

Fear and resentment are repulsive energies. Appreciation and gratitude are magnetic energies. It’s not hard to guess which will bring the most success. Instead of rolling around in jealousy, I’m looking to up my own game and raise my own vibrations. That gets me where I want to go!

What do you notice about jealousy?

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Jealousy, Law of Attraction, Leo, LOA

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