My husband was flipping through channels, pausing on a show about lottery winners. One winner was proudly attributing her winnings to her Feng Shui fishpond, with the water flowing right in toward the door.
My husband leans back with a mildly disturbed look and sort of grunts.
“Feng shui.” He shakes his head. “Where’s our fishpond?! How come you didn’t tell me about that? We have no fishpond. We have no winning lottery ticket! What’s wrong with this picture?!”
“Ooops. Sorry. Guess I was slacking!”
Evidently, it’s my job to keep him posted about these things. What’s your job?
My job is to remind you guys that your fishpond is full of love and that is worth way more than a pond full of money!
Awwww. That is so sweet! Job well done, moozie.